Below is the calendar for the Chronological Scripture Reading Challenge for 2021. Click HERE to download a printable version of the current month.
As Christians, we want to “do what Jesus would do,” but we need to find out what Jesus actually did to get a bead on that. Which kind of points us in the direction of Bible reading and Bible study.
We hope that you will find this plan do-able; each weekday is a small, bite-sized piece. About a chapter a day.
It will take us through the New Testament this year.
Some helpful suggestions from Bob-
1- Get your own snazzy journal to take notes in.
2- Record some of your prayer concerns.
3- Write down any questions that come up as you read.
4- If you have time, read from some different translations- some old, some new, some literal, some more dynamic.
5- Do little daily reviews.
6- Put yourself into the stories.
7- What is God’s message for you, for that day, from the reading?
8- If you get behind, don’t panic or get discouraged.
a. Try to catch up, or,
b. Just pick up where everyone else is. Make a note of what you missed, and go back when you can.
This is supposed to be inspirational and fun. It should be what I call a “no guilt” operation.
c. Whatever you actually ARE able to read is more than you WOULD have read, right?