Thank you to all who joined us, and a special thanks to our guest speaker Marie Monville.


Our guest speaker- 



I am an inspirational speaker, author, and transformational coach passionate about helping individuals create a life they love. In 2006, my first husband committed the Amish Schoolhouse shooting, and as I faced loss and brokenness, I leaned into faith and my relationship with God. And in the years since, I’ve deepened my resolve that our circumstances are not the definition of our lives. No matter what we face, we can still cultivate a life we love.

My mission is to share the power of faith, resilience, and personal transformation. Through coaching programs, speaking engagements, my podcast, and weekly newsletter, I create a safe and supportive space where you can begin your personal transformation. My clients have experienced remarkable shifts in their mindsets, found a supportive community, and deepened their relationship with God. These changes have allowed them to love their lives regardless of circumstance.

I am the author of “One Light Still Shines,” and my upcoming release, due later this year, is entitled “To Help You Heal: Transform your life through the partnership of faith, psychology, and grit.” My writing has inspired thousands to find beauty beyond brokenness.

My husband, Dan and I, reside in Lancaster County, PA. We have six children and three grandchildren. Dan and I adopted our youngest son from South Africa in 2015. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Behavior from Immaculata University and a certificate from the School of Ministry, Christ Community Church, Camp Hill, PA.